About Us
Message from Odeefoo Oteng Korankye II, Chief of Berekuso, Twafohene of Akwapem
When I first became Chief of Berekuso, the existing school building leaked any time it rained, and the wind would blow off parts of the roof. Students and teachers suffered a lot. But together with the elders of the village, we acquired 17 acres of land for a new school compound and successfully lobbied the District Assembly for funding to build a new school structure.
As the school formed, a new challenge developed. With teachers having to commute from Accra to the school, they were often late or absent. So, several years later, I applied to the European Union and received funds to build teacher accommodation near the school. Over the years I have continued to work with the community to organize support for the school and pupils. We have provided classroom furniture and assistance with sports day, such as providing jerseys, transport, and prizes. For several years I have paid pupils’ BECE exam fees and provided transport to the examination center.
I believe that education is the path to a prosperous Bereksuo. In 2011, Berekuso welcomed Ashesi University to our community. Ashesi University shares my belief in the positive impact on development through quality education. However, in order for children from Berekuso and the surrounding area to earn acceptance to Ashesi university, or any tertiary institution, the quality of basic education in the town must improve, and bright but needy children from poor families need financial support to complete their secondary education. That is why I have founded the Odeefoo Oteng Korankye II Education Fund.
Please join me in supporting educational achievement for the children of Berekuso towards a brighter future for our community.
– Nana Oteng Korankye II

Our Mission & Vision
Our mission is to support educational achievement for the children of Berekuso towards a brighter future for the community.
Our vision is to make Berekuso a centre of excellence for education and purposeful development.
Our values include:
- Commitment & hard work
- Impartiality
- Accountability & transparency
- Innovation & action
Our Specialization
In our mission to impact development through education, we offer the following opportunities to students, teachers, and the community as a whole:
We provide secondary school scholarships to top BECE candidates from the 13 basic schools in the traditional area.
teacher Training
We provide avenues and support for improving the skills and competencies of teachers.
Support to Schools
We provide support to schools in the form of field trips, examination supplies during the Basic Education Certificate Examinations (BECE), etc.

Here are the men and women who work hard to ensure that this project runs smoothly and makes the desired impact.

Odeefoo Oteng Korankye II

Ms. Rebecca Awuah
Board Chair
Faculty, Ashesi University

Mr. Felix Gyekye
CEO, Cardinal

Ms. Ellen Ocran
Executive Secretary
Amening & O
Company Ltd

Mr. Felix Akuffo-Badoo
Board Member
Senior Deputy
Registrar and
Head of Test
Division, WAEC

Mr. Stephen A. Yeboah
Board Member
Chief Actuary,

Prof. George K. Aning
Board Member
School of
Medicine, UG

Mr. Benedict Yeboah
Board Member
Finance Officer,

Ms. Justina Tete Donkor
Board Member
Justking &

Mr. Affum Alhassan
Board Secretary
Officer, Ashesi

Sean Hart
Project Leader

Emma Kelly
Creative Director
Make A Donation
Donate to support the provision of quality and equitable education for pupils in the Berekuso community.